Facultatea de Auomatica si CalculatoareFacultatea de Auomatica si Calculatoare

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Computer Graphics

Course Instructors: Florica Moldoveanu, Irina Mocanu, Zaharia Marius Dorian.

The course covers computer graphics fundamentals. It introduces the fundamental algorithms and the mathematics underlying computer graphics, while also covering programming techniques using Java and OpenGL, a modern and widely used platform-independent graphics programming environment. Java AWT and Java 2D are used to exemplify the implementation of the 2D and 3D transformations in a graphical library and also for the implementation of some simple graphical applications. The main goal of the course is to provide a sufficient background to write computer graphics applications. It does not cover the use of graphic design applications such as AutoCAD, Photoshop or 3D Studio Max.


  • Introduction.
  • Basics of raster graphics displays.
  • The evolution of computer graphics hardware.
  • The mathematics of the two-dimensional geometric and viewing transformations.
  • Implementing 2D transformations in Java AWT and Java 2D.
  • The mathematics of the three-dimensional geometric transformations and projections.
  • Coordinate systems and vertex transformations in OpenGL.
  • The Graphics Pipeline.
  • 2D Raster Graphics Algorithms.
  • Scan converting lines and conics.
  • Filling triangles and polygons.
  • Clipping lines and polygons.
  • Algorithms for hidden-surfaces and hidden-lines removal.
  • Scene representation and objects culling.
  • Color models.
  • Lighting models and shading models.
  • Transparency and fog.
  • Adding shadows to images.
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