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Secure Opportunistic Multipath Key Exchange protocol at ACM CCS 2018

Our protocol, "Secure Opportunistic Multipath Key Exchange" (SMKEX), developed initially in
our department, then refined in collaboration with researchers from IBM and ETH Zürich will be presented at ACM CCS 2018, one of the top conferences in computer security:

Authors: Sergiu Costea (ETH Zürich), Marios O. Choudary (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Doru Gucea (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Björn Tackmann (IBM Research – Zürich), Costin Raiciu (University Politehnica of Bucharest)

SMKEX can provide protection against active man-in-the-middle attacks in many real scenarios, without requiring the use of trusted third parties or pre-established secret keys. Instead, it relies on the use of several public channels. Our current implementation is based on a modified MPTCP-enabled kernel.
You can find the full paper here:

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